Ўзбекистонда тадбиркорлик муҳитининг замонавий ҳолати ва уни самарали ривожлантириш муаммоларини баҳолаш

(0 Foydalanuvchilarning sharhlari)   334   206
Константин Курпаяниди, Махаммаджон Ашуров 978-613-9-41557-1 Globe Edit, European Union, Germany 2019
Ушбу монографияда кичик бизнес ва хусусий тадбиркорликни ривожлантириш хусусиятлари, бизнес юритиш учун тадбиркорлик муҳитини баҳолашнинг долзарб масалалари кўриб чиқилган, Ўзбекистонда институтционал таснифда учрайдиган мавжуд бир нечта одатий муаммолар ўрганилган, унинг самарали фаолият олиб боришига имкон берувчи илмий - амалий тавсиялар мажмуи ишлаб чиқилган.
The monograph examines the features of the development of small business and private entrepreneurship, examines some typical problems in the classification of institutional conditions that are structure-forming entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan, developed a set of scientific and practical recommendations that contribute to improving the efficiency of its functioning. Identified factors affecting entrepreneurial activity. Based on the World Bank Doing Business 2019: Training for Reform index and the Forbes Best Countries for Business rating indicators, the effectiveness of business environment regulation in Uzbekistan was assessed. The authors put forward specific proposals to improve the institution of entrepreneurship and improve the business climate in the country. The book is of interest to students, researchers, all interested in entrepreneurship and economic aspects of the functioning of a small private business.

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