Studying the impast of Uzbekistans participation in international economic indices on investment attractiveness

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Yukladi: Dilnoza Khashimova tomonidan Oct 30, 2024
Bo'lim: - Monografiya
Bekmuradova G.A. 2022
It is well-known that it is aimed to make “our country in the group of countries with higher-average profit” through accelerating the development of the national economy and ensure high economic growth in the next five years, the country’s GDP per capita will be increased by 1.6 times, i.e. to 2.500 US dollars and by 2030 this figure will exceed 4.000 US dollars2. It is planned to attract 120 billion US dollars of foreign investment in the economy in 2022-2026, including 70 billion US dollars, by increasing the country’s investment attractiveness in order to meet the needs of financial resources in the economy to achieve these growth rates with effective financial resourses.

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