The strategy of the development of foreign trade of the republic of Vietnam in the conditions of globalization

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Yukladi: Maktuba Khashimova tomonidan Feb 3, 2025
Bo'lim: - Monografiya
Dinh Duy Hieu 2007
The problem s o f defining the im pact intensity o f globalization onto national econom ies, finding w ays and m ethods o f influence; regulation o f the influence through choosing definite foreign trade regim e or policy; estim ation and forecasting o f consequences o f such a choice are actual and highly controversial. Foreign trade influences national econom ies through deeper n atio n ’s involvem ent into international labor division and stim ulates n atio n ’s specialization on trade w ith the goods and services produced with larges com parative advantages.

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